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PUBLIC MARKS from lz00zl with tags download & flickr

22 December 2005 14:15

Flickr AutoDownloadr

by 7 others (via)
Sharing photos on Flickr is great. (Mine are here.) But I recently became a little frustrated trying to look at someone else's photos on Flickr with a laptop and a TV. There's no way to view the photos online in 'full screen' mode. The Flash slideshow is pitifully small, though it does download photos in the background which is quite neat. So I made this program. you can do a few other things with it: * View photos in sets, groups or the whole Flickr community * Search for photos with specific tags * Browse photos on your computer * Choose from three amazing transition effects * View camera information

lz00zl's TAGS related to tag download

avi +   css +   explorer +   flash +   flickr +   flv +   free +   freeware +   google +   html +   ifilm +   keywords +   Layouts +   mp4 +   photo +   slideshow +   tool +   video +   youtube +