public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from lz00zl with tags flickr & photo

February 2006

Spell with flickr

by 36 others
What is this? Spell with Flickr is a small program that lets you type in whatever you want, then goes to flickr and grabs pictures for each an every letter! It also allows you to change the images that you see, so you can find better images for your word or phrase!

December 2005

Flickr AutoDownloadr

by 7 others (via)
Sharing photos on Flickr is great. (Mine are here.) But I recently became a little frustrated trying to look at someone else's photos on Flickr with a laptop and a TV. There's no way to view the photos online in 'full screen' mode. The Flash slideshow is pitifully small, though it does download photos in the background which is quite neat. So I made this program. you can do a few other things with it: * View photos in sets, groups or the whole Flickr community * Search for photos with specific tags * Browse photos on your computer * Choose from three amazing transition effects * View camera information

lz00zl's TAGS related to tag flickr

download +   freeware +   genarator +   mashups +   photo +   slideshow +   spell +