public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags apt-get & download

February 2006

APT - openSUSE

a package manager, primarily used by Debian based distributions, which makes installation and removal packages very easy. It automates the process of downloading and installation of required packages along with their dependency requirements.

October 2005

Installing Planet CCRMA on Fedora Core 2 or 3

package managment info - - audio-multimedia rpms +

macroron's TAGS related to tag apt-get

$ +   ***to-read*** +   apt +   audio +   documentation +   download +   fedora +   howtos +   info+ +   linux +   multimedia +   my-install-notes +   package-managers +   packages +   rpm-packages +   rpms +   smart +   snaptic +   software +   ubuntu +   ubuntu-distro +   yum +   yumex +