public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags media & web2.0

January 2006

Federated Media Publishing Inc. ~John Battelle's

by 1 other
Our first federation focuses on digital business and culture, and includes sites such as Boing Boing, Matt Haughey's Metafilter and PVRblog, Merlin Mann's 43 Folders, Om Malik's Broadband Blog, Glenn Fleishman's Wi-Fi Networking News, John Battelle's Sear

Micro Persuasion - powered by FeedBurner

Steve Rubel explores how new technologies are transforming marketing, media and public relations.

December 2005

Union Square Ventures

by 1 other
venture capital firm. We invest in young companies that use information technology in innovative ways to create high growth business opportunities in the Media, Marketing, Financial Services, Telecommunications, and Healthcare industries.

November 2005

Micro Persuasion Blog

by 17 others
Steve Rubel explores how new technologies are transforming marketing, media and public relations.