public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags my-kmenu->other-applications & documentation

23 November 2005

16 November 2005

15 November 2005

Dillo Web Browser Home Page

by 3 others
a GTK-based web browser written completely in C, designed to be small and fast. The RPM is only 220-250 KB, even with various patches applied to add functionality and to make it play nice with KDE and Gnome menus. At present I have packages for several ve

30 October 2005

27 October 2005

KPlayer, the KDE media player

a KDE media player based on MPlayer. With KPlayer you can easily play a wide variety of video and audio files and streams using a rich and friendly interface that follows KDE standards.

22 October 2005

The Kate Project: What is Kate?

a multi document editor, based on a rewritten version of the kwrite editing widget of KDE, offering all the features of that plus a bunch of its own. Kate has been been moved to the kdebase package, and is a builtin part of your favorite desktop since rel

The Kate Project Home: Kate - KDE Advanced Text Editor

by 2 others
a multi document editor, based on a rewritten version of the kwrite editing widget of KDE, offering all the features of that plus a bunch of its own. Kate has been been moved to the kdebase package, and is a builtin part of your favorite desktop since rel

19 October 2005

17 October 2005