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PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags smalltalk & documentation

January 2006

Codespeak Home

by 1 other
the codespeak project currently hosts the following free/open source software projects. pypy which aims to implement the Python language completely in Python itself. kupu, a feature-rich, JavaScript client-side WYSIWIG editor. +++

PyPy: Documents

The PyPy project aims at producing a flexible and fast Python implementation. The guiding idea is to translate a Python-level description of the Python language itself to lower level languages. Rumors have it that the secret goal is being faster-than-C wh

November 2005

GNU Smalltalk User's Guide

runs on linux? a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language which runs on most versions on Unix and, in general, everywhere you can find a POSIX-compliance library. An uncommon feature of it is that it is well-versed to scripting tasks and headless

Secrets of lightweight development success, Part 8: Seaside

This article gives a high-level tour of Seaside. If you like what you see, you'll have enough information to dive deeper

io - docs - talks - small, pure object oriented, prototype-based programming language.

The ideas in Io are mostly inspired by Smalltalk (all values are objects), Self, NewtonScript and Act1 (prototype-based differential inheritance, actors and futures for concurrency), LISP (code is a runtime inspectable/modifiable tree) and Lua (small, emb

October 2005

Why Smalltalk: Supporting the Smalltalk Community

by 1 other
news and information - stay informed about : Smalltalk News, Conferences & Events, Success Stories, Smalltalk Products & Tools, Smalltalk Projects.


a direct-manipulation User Interface (UI) construction kit based on display trees. It works with graphical objects called Morphs. It replaces the original Model View Controller graphics toolkit of Smalltalk-8

September 2005 project info - swazoo

swazoo (smalltalk web application zoo) project is to provide an open source, vendor agnostic, dialect neutral web application framework for smalltalk.

camp smalltalk rosetta project

Camp Smalltalk Rosetta Project a dialect-neutral framework for smalltalk source code exchange

changes from smalltalk-80

slate wiki - Semantic Differences, Syntactic Differences, Punctuation Selectors renamed from Smalltalk.

whisker browser

a new object-oriented code browser for the squeak smalltalk environment.