public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mark1048


Decode Bitcoin Raw Transaction Format

describes how to decode a Bitcoin raw transaction format.


1964 - Ma Ling Er Xiang Lai ... (马铃儿响来玉鸟儿唱)

Ma Ling Er Xiang Lai Yu Niao Er Chang (马铃儿响来玉鸟儿唱) - Bird Singing Along With Horse Bell Ringing 每当提起阿诗玛,人们耳边便会响起1964年电影《阿诗玛》中那一段段哙人口的唱 段《马铃儿响来玉鸟儿唱》,想起彝族青年男女阿黑和阿诗玛爱情的不幸和悲惨的 命运。 - Testing Perl CGI Environment

This section provides a tutorial on how to modify the Perl CGI test script,, and run it to verify Apache 2 Perl CGI configuration. The verify my Apache and Perl integration, I modified the Perl CGI test script,, provided by the Apache 2 package:

Shift-JIS Encoding

This section provides a quick introduction of Shift-JIS, also called MS Kanji, encoding, which maps a JIS X0208 character to a 2-byte sequence using a complicated schema designed by Microsoft.

Free Chinese Calendar 2020 - Year of the Rat

Q Want to know when is the 2020 Chinese New Year day? Looking for Chinese calendars for 2020? Free Chinese Calendar 2020 - Year of the Rat Chinese Calendar 2020 - PDF landscape format in Simplified Chinese (简体). Chinese Calendar 2020 - PDF portrait format in Simplified Chinese (简体). Chinese Calendar 2020 - Printable HTML format in Simplified Chinese (简体).


Calculate Double-SHA256 Hash with Python

Before writing Python code to verify the Merkle Root in Bitcoin block, we need to get familiar with two Python modules needed for calculating SHA256 hash. "hashlib" module - Provides us the SHA56 hash functions. "binascii" module - Provides us functions to convert data between binary and hex formats.

Sorting Algorithm Tutorials

This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning sorting algorithm himself. Topics include Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Insertion Sort, Java, JDK, Merge Sort, performance, Quicksort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort.


ReadParse() - Parsing Web Form Input Values

This section describes functions provided in the CGI library, It also provides a tutorial example on how to use the ReadParse() to parse Web form input values and other functions.

Data Encodings

This free book is a collection of tutorial notes and example codes written by the author while he was learning learning different binary data encoding algorithms. Topics include Base32, Base64, UUEncode, Algorithm.

Downloading and Installing Notepad++ with XML Tools

This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Notepadd++ on Windows system; and how to add the XML Tools Plugin in Notepadd++.

Java GC Tutorials

This book is a collection of tutorial notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JVM GC (Garbage Collection) processes. Topics include Java Garbage Collectors, STW (Stop-The-World), Serial Collector, Parallel Collector, Concurrent Collector, G1 Collector, GC Algorithms, Generational GC, Regional GC, Heap Memory Management, Young/New Generation, Tenured/Old Generation, Object Reference, Eden Space, Survivor Spaces, Minor GC, Major GC, Full GC, Performance Tuning, Throughput/Latency Performance, Heap Footprint.

Bitcoin Tutorials

This book is a collection of tutorial examples on Bitcoin and blockchain. Topics include Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Merkle Tree, Mining, SHA256, Wallet. Key sections include: What is Bitcoin, What is blockchain, Bitcoin market value, Browsing Bitcoin data blocks on, Browsing Bitcoin transaction data, Bitcoin wallet types: Full-Node, SPV, Client-Server, Bitcoin Consensus Rules: Controlled supply, Block mining reward, Proof of work, Installing Bitcoin Core server, Synchronizing with network, Using Bitcoin console, Running Bitcoin commands, Creating Bitcoin wallet, Receiving Bitcoin funds, Using Bitcoin test network - testnet, Building transaction Merkle Tree, Calculating Merkle Root hash, Calculating Bitcoin block hash, Performing Double-SHA256 hash in Python and Java, Using Little-endian and Big-endian Hex notations, Bitcoin block and transaction data structure, API, Copay Wallet.

Ethereum Tutorials

This free book is a collection of tutorials and notes on Ethereum and blockchain. Topics include Blockchain, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, Merkle Tree, Mining, MetaMask, Wallet. Key sections include: What is Ethereum, What is blockchain, Ethereum market value, What is Go Ethereum (Geth), What is Ethereum Mist wallet, What is MetaMask wallet.


Using SHA1 Message Digest in Java

This section provides a tutorial example on how to use SHA1 message digest algorithm in Java. The JDK JCE package offers the SHA1 algorithm through a generic message digest class,




Listing of Trusted Root CA in Chrome 40

This section provides a tutorial example on how to see the list of trusted root CA (PKI Authorities) pre-installed in Chrome 40.


Downloading and Installing JDK 1.7.0 on Windows

This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install JDK 1.7.0 (Java SE 7) on a Windows XP system. A simple Java program was entered, compiled, and executed with the new JDK installation.

UML Tutorials

Topics include UML, Modeling, Language, Diagram, Notation, Shape, Class, Object, State, Activity, Action.


Online Chinese Calendar - Mobile Version

It offers a monthly Chinese calendar well designed for mobile browsers. The layout is fixed at 320x480 pixels to match most commonly used mobile device screens.


XSD Tutorials

This free book is a collection of tutorial examples and notes written by the author while he was learning XSD (XML Schema Definition). Topics include XSD, XML, Schema, simpleType, complexType, simpleContent, complexContent, dataTime, dateTimeStamp, gYear, gMonth, gDay, duration, yearMonthDuration, dayTimeduration, anyURI, Namespace, Xerces2.

Android Tutorials

This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Android system. Topics include AAPT, Android, ADB, API, Dalvik, emulator, Java, layout, logcat, shell, SDK, USB, view.



XSL-FO:一种建立在 XML 基础之上的附加排版语言。它的工作原理是在原始文字资料之中加入 XML 语句,其作用是控制原始文字资料的排版格式。XSL-FO 其实和 TeX 非常相似,而 TeX 在十五年以前就广泛用于各种科技文献排版之中。 XSL-FO 主要特点: * XSL-FO 采用 XML 语言格式。 * XSL-FO 也可以和 XSL 转换语言结合使用,对被处理的 XML 文件产生两种效果:一,内容转换;二,打印排版。


Free Web Services

This free Web service tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was testing free Web services available on the Internet. Topics include Web service, SOAP, REST, WSDL, WADL, soapUI, Country codes, currencies, airports, weather, bar codes, mortgage, stock quotes, search, Yahoo, Flickr.

PKI Tutorials

This PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning PKI technologies himself. Topics include CA, Certificate, Crypt::SSLeay, C#, Digital Signature, Firefox, HTTPS, IE, Java, JSSE, KeyStore, keytool, MMC, .NET, OpenSSL, PEM, Perl, PHP, PKI, S/MIME, SSL, TLS, X.509.


Flash Tutorials

This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Flash. Topics include ActiveX, classid, Flash, OBJECT, Player, Plugin, Shockwave, SWF, Web