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PUBLIC MARKS from mrongos with tags "PS3 News" & "Playstation 3"

24 November 2006

Monster Cable scares your wallet with PS3 cable prices!

Yeah, yeah… we know we did a post asking for all of your best advice when it comes to getting those extra cables for the PS3 that Sony cleverly (read: foolishly) neglected to include in the box, but Monster Cables have

11 November 2006

Harker, of Bram Stoker's Dracula, will rise onto PS3 in 2008

Getting tired of Castlevania? Don’t want to watch Brad Pitt and a very young Kirsten Dunst in Interview with a Vampire anymore? Fear not, lovers of the children of the night (since, as far as we know, none of you actually are

10 November 2006

PS3 Launch Q&A... or Q&Q&A... or... well, you decide

We’ll transcribe the worthwhile questions and answers from the FiringSquad interview with a Sony spokesperson because we’re lazy — besides, not much else to say other than what was asked/answered.

07 November 2006

Get your music on with Tony Hawk's Project 8 soundtrack!

Do you like a) pop-punk b) hip-hop c) power metal? Any variation of said genres (post-punk, hardcore, rap, melodic power metal,

06 November 2006

Why the PS3 is worth the price, Jamie MacDonald edition

We’ve barked up this tree so many times that the tree would probably bark back… even so, SCE Worldwide Studios Europe VP Jamie MacDonald has some more reasons why the PS3 is worth your pocket change loan. Kind of. More like… he defends Sony from the interviewer.

26 October 2006

GameStop inconclusive about PS3 pre-orders

Last week, I went to GameStop to pick up a fresh copy of Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria and while I was there, asked about pre-ordering a Playstation 3. I got a clever smirk and “isn’t that the popular question this month?” It sure is. The manager of the store told me there was a meeting in Texas to discuss

25 October 2006

More White Knight Story info

Did Enchanted Arms not deliver on the “next-gen RPG” front? Are you looking for something that is promising to blow you away? White Knight Story is starting to

21 October 2006

Double the HDMI, twice the fun

The fine folks over at EvilAvatar and MagicBox are reporting that the low-end PS3 isn’t the only PS3 to gain an HDMI port. According to their TGS information, the 60GB version will now have not one, but two HDMI ports. Like me, you maybe asking yourself: “What the hell?” Here’s Sony’s alleged answer.

A little bit o' info... lots of pictures of the PS3! [update 1]

Leave it to the Famitsu website to put up the largest and most gorgeous display of PS3 pictures on the web. Since the website is riddled with question marks, we’ll do our best to translate anything we can

18 October 2006

Japanese release date and price for Sonic revealed

We can get our speed on with the blue hedgehog by the end of this year, assuming our release date coincides with Japan’s. Sega announced today that the PS3 version of Sonic the Hedgehog will grace the Playstation 3 on December 21st at a price point of 6800 yen (the same as the current gen game prices, apparently). Also announced was the price of Sega Golf Club… it’s also 6800 yen. No word on the 360 version of the game yet. Does this portend well for American game prices? Not really — Japan doesn’t have a singular price of games. We can probably expect a $60 price tag on our games, as previously asserted by Activision. Some bigger titles may run up to $70, but hey, that might tack on the “special edition” label to somehow make it easier to swallow. Nevertheless, let us hope Sonic comes stateside by the end of the year — we want to move really, really, really fast. Now then, let’s go play Ogre Battle 64 (quite possibly the slowest pacing ever in a game… still amazing, but damn is it sluggish).

17 October 2006

Chillin with the PS3

The PS3 is still more than a month away, but 3rd party periphreals for the system are already making their appearances. Logitech has officially entered the PS3 accessory fray with the ChillStream controller. Does the ChillStream bring anything useful to the mix? Like the much missed rumble functionality of the PS2 controller? No, that would be too much to ask. But what the ChillStream does bring is the magic of “palm ventilation” to your PS3. This is not a new gimmick, but it’s one that seems particularly useless. What features would you like to see added to future controller designs? How about heated controllers to keep you warm on cold winter nights? A breathalizer controller for added realism when playing driving games like Need for Speed? What are your ideas?

15 October 2006

Like the PS3? Like shopping? Here's a heads up...

If you happen to stroll into your local Best Buy at or after October 20th, there is some evidence on the Neogaf forums that clue you in to what you should expect. What should you expect? PS3 stuff. Lots of PS3 stuff. How would you like to demo the Playstation 3 on a 46″ Sony Bravia flat-panel TV at 1080p? Sit on some Lay-Z-Boy couches while doing so and enjoying the Sony 7.1 Component Home Theater System? Yeah. That’d be pretty excellent. Now, this is just a rumor, but the slides seem fairly authentic (from personal Best Buy experiences) and the setup is fairly… er, large. So large, in fact, the 360 kiosks may be removed entirely. But PS3’s may be downsized on October 25th when the Wii moves out (maybe not). This is a great rumor to hope for as fact because being able to get our hands on the Playstation 3 nearly a month before its release is bliss — and may push those teetering on the edge of a purchase over to the “yes!” side. So, uh, who’s planning a Best Buy field trip? We are, since we couldn’t get to the Tokyo Game Show.

13 October 2006

The power of PS3 rumor

Sony can’t catch a break. This time the rumors and innuendo have cost them. Literally. Earlier this week, Macquarie Equities analyst, David Gibson, put the hurt on Sony by apparently stating that “he had heard” that several PS3s on the show floor at TGS “operated erratically and had to be repeatedly reset.” According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, “The problem seems to stem from consoles running too hot and then shutting down. Sony has claimed that it was simply a case of not having the proper ventilation at the kiosks where the consoles were played. It’s possible, but Sony stock was down almost 3 percent by Wednesday from the revelations.” To put that into perspective, a 3% drop in Sony’s stock price on the NYSE represents a drop in Sony’s value by more than $1 billion dollars! Yes, I said “billion.” Of course, stocks rise and fall everyday… sometimes by less than 3% and sometimes by much, much more. What’s interesting is that with this drop attributed to PS3 overheating “news,” it appears that shareholders (specifically, institutional investors), are watching the PS3 launch very, very closely. Everyday, my appreciation for the PS3’s potential to make or break Sony grows. On the bright side of things, and based on the picture to the right, the PS3 can double as a mirror! That should drive Sony’s market cap up a few hundred million.