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PUBLIC MARKS from music2084 with tags Draco & LIKED

31 March 2006

Beg Me For It by Icarus

Ron tells howhe wound up working for the Death Eaters. Then Lucius asksRon for a favour, and life takes a turn for the truly bizarre.

30 March 2006

The Waters of March by Duinn Fionn

Voldemort's final victim resides with the other spell-damaged wizards in St. Mungo's Hospital. Harry suffers survivor's guilt and finds an unusual beta. Cream-colored knee-high leather boots make a brief appearance.

29 March 2006

Hall of Mirrors by ella_bane

In the summer before Harry Potter's sixth year, he confronts a frightfully suspicious wizarding world, where friends are strangers, mirrors hide secrets, and enemies become lovers.

21 March 2006

Irresistible Poison by Rhysenn

Under the influence of a love potion, Draco learns that poison doesn't always bring death -- there are other ways to suffer and live.

15 March 2006

Draco In Darkness by Debbie

Following an accident in his seventh year, Draco loses his eyesight. At first he completely withdraws, avoiding any hint of pity, as well as any assistance; he is determined to succeed on his own.

Underwater Light by Maya

Featuring an extremely depressed Harry, in a war-torn wizarding world, about to get the shock of his life when he discovers that Draco Malfoy is slightly more important to him than he would have ever guessed.

music2084's TAGS related to tag Draco

c +   d +   DM/HG +   DM/HP +   DM/RW +   DM/SS +   e +   g +   harry +   harry_potter +   Hermione +   Het +   HG/HP +   HP/LM +   HP/RL +   HP/SS +   i +   LIKED +   Lucius +   m +   Ã +   NC-17 +   ok +   r +   rape +   Remus +   Ron +   SB/SS +   Severus +   Slash +   threesome +   u +