public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from music2084 with tags Slash & r

03 April 2006

21 March 2006

Irresistible Poison by Rhysenn

Under the influence of a love potion, Draco learns that poison doesn't always bring death -- there are other ways to suffer and live.

13 March 2006

Transfigurations by Resonant

Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry returns to England to help re-open Hogwarts.

04 March 2006

Unspoken by Runedancer

Elrohir has always found Elrond fascinating. What happens when Glorfindel finds out? (Sequel: Revelations, Changes, One Last Time, Quid Pro Quo and Wild Justice.)

music2084's TAGS related to tag Slash

b +   bdsm +   c +   d +   Discontinued +   DM/HP +   DM/RW +   DM/SS +   Draco +   e +   Elrohir +   Elrond +   Frodo +   FW/GW +   FW/HP +   g +   gen +   Glorfindel +   GW/HP +   Haldir +   harry +   harry_potter +   HP/LM +   HP/RL +   HP/SS +   i +   Incest +   j +   k +   Legolas +   LIKED +   Lord_of_the_Rings +   LOVED +   Lucius +   m +   Merry +   Mpreg +   Ã +   n +   NC-17 +   OC +   ok +   Original_Fiction +   Pippin +   r +   rape +   Remus +   Ron +   s +   Sam +   SB/SS +   Severus +   t +   threesome +   u +   wip +