public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from music2084 with tags harry & c

21 March 2006

Beautiful World by Cinnamon

Draco is afraid of living and Harry is afraid of dying, but sometimes the choice isn't offered. Draco's got to learn what it is to really live, while showing Harry how beautiful the world really is when you're not too scared to see it.

14 March 2006

08 March 2006

Draco Dormiens by Cassandra Claire

When an accident in Potions class turns Harry into Draco and Draco into Harry, each is trapped playing the part of the other. Romance, mistaken identities, Really Cunning Plans, evil bake sales, a love triangle, and snogs galore.

07 March 2006

The Fourth Year by Calligraphy

Snape lives as Harry Potter's prisoner (and more or less servant). An unexpected attack changes things. Or have things already been changing?

music2084's TAGS related to tag harry

b +   c +   d +   Discontinued +   DM/HG +   DM/HP +   DM/RW +   DM/SS +   Draco +   e +   FW/GW +   FW/HP +   g +   gen +   GW/HP +   harry_potter +   Hermione +   Het +   HG/HP +   HG/SS +   HP/LM +   HP/PW +   HP/RL +   HP/SS +   Incest +   j +   k +   l +   LIKED +   LOVED +   Lucius +   m +   Mpreg +   Ã +   NC-17 +   ok +   r +   rape +   Remus +   Ron +   s +   SB/SS +   Severus +   Slash +   t +   threesome +   u +   wip +