public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from music2084 with tags ok & NC-17

03 April 2006

Sanguis-Vinculum by Meri

Harry and Severus unintentially form a blood bond which will enable them to join magic against Voldemort, but has the side effect of softening their feelings towards each other.

31 March 2006

The Black Road by guede_mazaka

Once upon a time, Harry Potter was killed and Voldemort won the war. Things went from bad to worse, and strangely enough, this was even true for those that had supported Voldemort. Nothing in the world was as it should have been.

22 March 2006

What Separates Us by Amy

Harry does something phenomnally stupid in Potions class, and the consquences are farther-reaching than anyone suspects.

A Necessary Evil by Kai

After the Final Battle, Albus is pregnant and Lord Voldemort is almost-dead yet again.

20 March 2006

Dark Chocolate by Dianann

Snape takes on Harry as an apprentice during Harry's seventh year. Is all as it seems? (Sequel: White Chocolate)

14 March 2006

The Last Dance by Sushi

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Harry Potter. He died...

Ring Around the Merry by aelfgifu

Merry holds the ringbearer captive for the salvation of the Shire. (Sequel: The Redemption of Meriadoc(WIP))

Through a Glass, Darkly by Lexin

Long ago, and in a world ruled by a Dark Lord, Harry Potter went to Hogwarts.

13 March 2006

12 March 2006

Sea Change by girlcalledjane

Draco has to stay at Grimmauld Place with Harry, Ron, and the gang.

08 March 2006

A Bittersweet Potion Series by Alchemia Dent and Bugland

(A Bittersweet Potion Series: A Bittersweet Potion, Procul His, Purification...)

06 March 2006

music2084's TAGS related to tag ok

Aragorn +   Arwen +   b +   c +   d +   Discontinued +   DM/HG +   DM/HP +   DM/RW +   DM/SS +   Draco +   e +   Eowyn +   Faramir +   Frodo +   g +   gen +   Gimli +   harry +   harry_potter +   Hermione +   Het +   HG/HP +   HP/LM +   HP/PW +   HP/RL +   HP/SS +   i +   j +   k +   l +   Legolas +   Lord_of_the_Rings +   Lucius +   m +   Merry +   Mpreg +   Ã +   NC-17 +   Original_Fiction +   Pippin +   r +   rape +   Remus +   Ron +   s +   Sam +   SB/SS +   Severus +   Slash +   threesome +   u +