April 2007
Forrester Information and Knowledge Management: SDL Acquires Tridion
The WCM vendor landscape has shifted again, as global information management solution vendor SDL has announced that it will acquire Tridion.
October 2006
Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Google Acquires Wiki Company Jotspot
by 1 otherGoogle’s office strategy just got a whole lot richer with the announced acquisition of the wiki based company Jotspot. A business oriented service that plugs a long list of different applications like calendars and photo sharing into a wiki framework, we called Jotspot “the best business-facing hosted wiki available” when we reviewed its newest iteration this summer.
November 2005
Autonomy avale Verity pour 500 millions de dollars
(via)Spécialiste des solutions de gestion des connaissances (KM), Autonomy vient d'annoncer la signature d'un accord pour acquérir Verity, son homologue américain sur le marché du traitement de l'information. Prévue pour la fin de l'année, la transaction est estimée à 500 millions de dollars, en numéraire, soit 13,50 dollars par action.
April 2005
Daring Fireball: Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Adobe's 'FAQ' Regarding Their Acquisition of Macromedia
by 4 othersTranslation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Adobe’s ‘FAQ’ Regarding Their Acquisition of Macromedia
(4 marks)