public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags blog & photo


HTML is soooo dead

Voilà un site de partage de photo, vidéo, musique et blog qui a tout de ses classiques concurrents faits en HTML, mais c'est du full Flash. Bin oui, pourquoi faire KISS quand on peut faire compliqué, non standard, inaccessible, lent, compatible IE6, etc. ?


FlickrBlog : Camera halfway between air and water

Ce groupe génial a été mis en avant sur le blog de Flickr, super ! ;-)


Vimeo - Automatic Movies

by 54 others (via)
Welcome to Vimeo! This is a site for organizing and sharing your video clips. Vimeo also makes it easy to watch your friends' video clips, or to view clips that have common subject matter.

Home - Pixels & Bandwidth - Online portfolio of Mandy Hall

I’m Mandy Hall, and Pixels and Bandwidth is my online portfolio. Welcome! This site is a showcase for my work - both professional and amateur. I aim for it to be an enjoyable place to visit whether you’re here to do business or have fun.