21 June 2006 13:00
Silicon.fr - Iona Softw.: une plate-forme SOA en Open-Source
(via)Iona Software propose une solution originale pour découvrir et initier les services orientés objets et ESB : il offre à la communauté du libre Celtix, une version expurgée de sa plate-forme Artix sous le modèle open-source
21 June 2006 11:45
elemental links: Open Source ESB (and ESB-like) announcements: ServiceMix and Apache Synapse
open source enterprise service bus (ESB) release announcement from ServiceMix, and the ESB-like Apache Synapse Web Services Mediation Framework project announcement.
For those that are counting, this brings the number of open source ESB (and like) announcements this summer to five. Earlier announcements came from Iona (Celtix project), Sun (Java System Enterprise Service Bus (Java ESB)), and Mule.
(2 marks)