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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags clevermarks & intégration


Intégrateurs, montez au front (Stéphane Deschamps)

by 1 other
« le web [est] l’environnement de développement le plus hostile du monde [...]. Aucun autre environnement de développement n’est aussi compliqué, et en même temps aussi facilement cassé chez le client. »

OCTO talks ! » Gestion de version distribuée et build incassable

nous allons voir comment il est possible de mettre en place un build d’Intégration Continue « incassable » sans effort [...] avec un gestionnaire de versions non distribué [type Git]

Alfresco-Drupal Integration via CMIS (Screencast) | Optaros Labs

In this screencast, Jeff Potts shows the current state of Drupal-Alfresco integration via CMIS, the Content Management Interoperability Services standard.

OpenSyncro, opensource EAI software for Java, Tomcat

OpenSyncro is a lightweight, open source enterprise application integration tool written in Java language.


Station-service: Services Web BizTalk Server 2006 -- MSDN Magazine, March 2007

Ce mois-ci, je vais vous présenter l'univers passionnant de BizTalk Server 2006 et sa prise en charge pour les technologies de services Web d'aujourd'hui. Vous apprendrez à utiliser les adaptateurs SOAP et WSE (Web Services Enhancements) déjà disponibles et je vous parlerai du nouvel adaptateur Windows® Communication Foundation (WCF) inclus dans BizTalk® Server 2006 R2.


The essence of ESB.NET is that it’s message based services rather than just XML document centric or RPC style. It is Data and Business Service oriented as opposed to Technical feature Oriented. Approach is to add value to the Business spectrum.


This paper is about a service bus, a really simple one. What we will describe is a service bus based on RSS, or Really Simple Syndication: a simple protocol for disseminating news on the Internet which has been especially successful in the blogging world. RSS is a basic structure, or protocol for producing information feeds, usually consisting of news headlines. Many people will say that there is nothing enterprise about RSS, and indeed it is often assumed that RSS is too simple to be useful for anything but news.

2006 Blog

by 2 others (via)
This blog posting will show you how to enable continuous builds with CruiseControl, Ant and PHPUnit. But be warned: Continuous builds are addicting.