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PEAR :: Package :: Testing_Selenium

Selenium Remote Control (SRC) is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser. SRC provides a Selenium Server, which can automatically start/stop/control any supported browser. It works by using Selenium Core, a pure-HTML JS library that performs automated tasks in JavaScript; the Selenium Server communicates directly with the browser using AJAX (XmlHttpRequest).

Debugging PHP With Firebug

by 1 other
Logging PHP and JavaScript errors to same window makes debugging easier

2006 » Blog Archive » DB-2-MDB2

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Recently I had to move an existing project from using PEAR::DB to PEAR::MDB2 - the new database abstraction layer. I took notes on the parts of the code I needed to change, I hope they can benefit someone who's doing the same.


Poo-tee-weet - blog

a show case of some of the new features in MDB2. especially to demo some PHP5 specific features

International PHP Magazine::Featured Article::The State of the PEAR Address

Today PEAR has over 200 active maintainers [3] and many more registered developers that help with frequent patches. The repository is home to over 400 object oriented (OO) packages. Total download numbers exceed 11.5 million...

Image_Graph - PEAR Open Source PHP OO Graph Rendering Utility

by 3 others
Image_Graph is, as is indicated by the title, a project to create graphs. It utilizes PHP's object oriented model, to simple but very customizable enable a user/developer to create highly versatile graphs.

Samalyse - Tutorial - Database frontend with PEAR DataGrid and DataObject

by 3 others
Structures_DataGrid and DB_DataObject are two PEAR components, which can be connected together, to easily display the data contained in a SQL table, and let the user sort and page through it. By cleverly using these two components, and with minimal typing, I will try and show you how you can bypass the usual steps of parsing GET parameters, performing SQL requests, and generating HTML content.


Des ressources JavaScript installables avec PEAR : JavaScript_Behaviour, JavaScript_Prototype, JavaScript_Scriptaculous

Introduction to PHP 5 PDO - SitePoint PHP Blog

Although there are already some PHP database abstraction classes available, the advantage of PDO is that it will be available in any PHP installation (so long as it is enabled) at runtime, without any need for recompiling. In addition, since it has been written from scratch specifically for PHP 5, it has a high level of performance. And if you are like me and often only want the key features, then PDO provides all the essential functions you need to connect to different databases. If you need the "full works", then the PEAR MDB2 package can handle that.

Lot 49 - Greg Beaver's blog » Post-install Scripts in PEAR 1.4.0

by 1 other
Enfin des scripts post installation dans PEAR !!!

Developing Component Based Web Applications - Jackson Miller

Développer des applications à base de composants avec PHP