public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag social


De l'OpenData au LinkedData : exemple de

"La libération des données est bénéfique pour tous, autant d'un point de vue financier que social. La France est en train de louper ce train de l'innovation, ne la laissons pas détruire les gares en plus."

Check Username Availability at Multiple Social Networking Sites

by 7 others
Si vous êtes comme moi et vous inscrivez irrésistiblement sur tous les nouveaux services « Web 2.0 », voilà de quoi faire le ménage...


Twitmark – Social bookmarking 140 characters at a time

by 1 other is a social bookmarking service which fetches links sent on Twitter by you and your friends, bookmarks them and republishes them to your favourite bookmarking service.

Knowee / nhoizey

Encore un site proposant l'agrégation de vos contenus sociaux, mais avec enfin une utilisation orientée Web Sémantique, notamment RDF et requêtage SPARQL !


SCOT:Let’s Share Tags! » papers about tag ontologies

There are many efforts to bridge between social tagging and Semantic Web technologies. Although we focused on representation issues of tagging activities, it might be useful to know current efforts.


Transnets » Blog Archive » Réseaux amoureux et sexuels dans une high school

by 1 other
Ce graphique représente les relations amoureuses et sexuelles de toute une high school. Impressionnant !

Socialist - Truly social bookmarking

Socialist takes the experience of social bookmarking through to a new level. Subscribe to RSS feeds, your favorite tags, and your friend's bookmarks in a friendly Mail-like interface. Socialist gives you access to your bookmarks from any Mac, and online (through Assign tags to websites and never worry about unorganized bookmarks again!


Vogoo - Web Site Personalization & Collaborative Filtering

by 1 other
Vogoo PHP LIB v1.6 is a free PHP LIB licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL. With Vogoo PHP LIB, you can easily and freely add professional collaborative filtering features to your Web Site.

Implementing a Rating-Based Item-to-Item Recommender System in PHP/SQL

by 1 other (via)
This paper presents a database-driven approach to item-to-item collaborative filtering which is both easy to implement and can support a full range of applications.

Collaborative filtering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by 2 others (via)
Collaborative filtering (CF) is the method of making automatic predictions (filtering) about the interests of a user by collecting taste information from many users (collaborating)

COFE : COllaborative Filtering Engine

The recommendation engine is responsible for analyzing ratings, determining who is neighbor to whom, and computing the predictions and recommendations. The CoFE is one such recommendation engine. DBLens

DBLens is a Oracle-based toolkit for performing collaborative filtering. DBLens is a collection of PL/SQL code and accompanying shell scripts that provides a flexible and efficient method for performing collaborative filtering.

A List Apart: Articles: Web 3.0

by 10 others (via)
If Steven created the site with CGI and Perl and used tables for layout, [...]. But if Steven used AJAX and Ruby on Rails, Yahoo will pay millions and Tim O’Reilly will beg him to keynote.


Ning | Home: Front Page

by 99 others, 1 comment (via)
Ning is a free online service (or, as we like to call it, a Playground) for building and using social applications. Social apps are web applications that enable anyone to match, transact, and communicate with other people. - Reader for Mobtagging DisCourse

Mobtagging is the practice of a large group of users who freely apply and exchange tags (metadata) to a set of unstructured online information. The aim is to describe content more adequately, personally or pinpoint interesting information faster than a search engine or online directories. Mob – or Social tagging can provide more precise search results for specialized interests and as such is a form of Commons Based Peer Production (CBPP).


by 8 others
Sans doute des idées et bouts de code pour 6nergies là dedans !

Gataga - Social bookmark search and exploration engine

by 12 others
Gataga searches bookmarks from, blogmarks, blinklist, jots, spurl, furl, simpy and connotea

Connecting Social Content Services using FOAF, RDF and REST

by 7 others (via)
A growing number of "social content" applications such as Flickr,, audioscrobbler, and AllConsuming are making open web services part of their core offering to end users. These interfaces allow users to query, share, and manipulate the data managed on their behalf by these social content applications.

Buzz Game: Social Bookmarks

by 1 other
Et blogmarks n'est pas dans la liste ??? Mais que fait la police ?