public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags standards & javascript


Code Standards | Isobar

by 1 other
"This document contains normative guidelines for web applications built by the Interface Development practice of Isobar North America (previously Molecular)"


Are we qualified to call ourselves Web 2.0 experts? // Mike Johnston // MikeJSolutions

we pioneered "drag n' drop" using asynchronous Javascript [AJAX] via a web browser in 1999 (Soholaunch). This is not new technology, as some would lead you to believe. It has simply been embraced by the standards community and is referred to by a cool new acronym


Particletree · Dynamic Resolution Dependent Layouts

by 15 others (via)
a dynamic resolution dependent layout implementation that I think provides a strong alternative for those trying to find a balance between fluid and fixed layouts

The Web Standards Project

IE7 will include a native XMLHTTPRequest object for Javascript applications - no ActiveXObject needs to be created

[brothercake] Ultimate Drop Down Menu

by 1 other
Ultimate Drop Down Menu (UDM) is a fully-featured and accessible DHTML menu, that provides useable content to all browsers - including screenreaders, search-engines and text-only browsers. Released in January 2004, UDM was the world's first fully-featured and accessible DHTML menu!

Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla

by 13 others (via)
Ever have trouble getting your Internet Explorer-specific Web applications to work with Mozilla? This article covers common issues associated with migrating applications to the open source Mozilla-based browser. You'll first learn basic cross-browser development techniques, and then develop strategies for overcoming the differences between Mozilla and Internet Explorer.

Wait till I come! » Six JavaScript features we do not need any longer

by 3 others (via)
It is a tool, much like a shovel, a screwdriver or a towel. While a towel is handy in every situation, as every HHGTTG reader knows, JavaScript has its place and its merits, but also its limitations and places it shouldn’t be applied to.

Traduction : Remplacement Dynamique de Texte - pouipouidesign v.5 ... et pourquoi pas ? ©2005

by 10 others
Voici donc la traduction de l'article de Stewart Rosenberger sur A List Apart, intitulé Dynamic Text Replacement, et qui traite d'un procédé permettant de remplacer dynamiquement, à la volée, des "bouts de texte" par leur équivalent image dans la police/couleur/taille que vous aurez choisi, tout en respectant les standards et l'accessibilité. Il s'agit de deux scripts, un PHP et un JavaScript, associés à deux trois règles CSS, et vous voilà parti ! Les commentaires des deux scripts ont eux aussi été traduits en français.