public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags syndication & rss


2009 NetNewsWire 3.2 beta

NetNewsWire 3.2b6 syncs with Google Reader, adds a new Send to Instapaper command, and shows off a brand-new app icon by RogueSheep.

SublimaCtion : I’m nice, I share…

Voici un extrait des blogs d’Agence que j’ai trouvé par-ci par-là et que je lis régulièrement via Goog Reader. Si vous avez d’autres bonnes adresses à me partager, je suis preneur !


Flickr user favorites feed -

If you know a few Flickr users that have great favorites, it is pretty uneasy to check them on a daily (or weekly at least) basis. I don't know why Flickr doesn't provide RSS (and/or Atom) feeds for that yet, but I have made it available from outside thanks to the Flickr API. This script adds a link to a RSS feed for a Flickr user's favorites...

FavFeeder feed icon in Flickr favorites -

If you know a few Flickr users that have great favorites, it is pretty uneasy to check them on a daily (on weekly at least) basis. I don't know why Flickr doesn't provide RSS (and/or Atom) feeds for that yet, but Carlos Cardoso have made it available from outside thanks to its FavFeeder

FeedLight | BrokenLogic

FeedLight is a stylesheet for NetNewsWire and Vienna.


This paper is about a service bus, a really simple one. What we will describe is a service bus based on RSS, or Really Simple Syndication: a simple protocol for disseminating news on the Internet which has been especially successful in the blogging world. RSS is a basic structure, or protocol for producing information feeds, usually consisting of news headlines. Many people will say that there is nothing enterprise about RSS, and indeed it is often assumed that RSS is too simple to be useful for anything but news.


Rewarding 304s (Faster Feed Refreshing) : FeedLounge

by 1 other (via)
If a feed serves up 304 Not Modified HTTP response when there is nothing new (saving bandwidth on both ends and processing time for FeedLounge), FeedLounge could reward the subscribers of that feed by updating that feed more often. : RSS et syndication (2)

by 1 other (via)
Ce qui suit détaille diverses possibilités pour accéder à, produire ou syndiquer des flux RSS. : RSS et syndication (1)

by 2 others (via)
On parle en général de "syndication de contenu" pour désigner la possibilité de republier sur un site Web - en principe de façon automatisée - du contenu provenant d'un autre site Web


Google Reader -

Google propose désormais de lire les flux d'informations sur le net. En effet, grâce a Google Feeds Reader vous pouvez afficher les différents flux de votre choix à votre convenance

Atom: The Standard in Syndication

by 1 other
Excellente synthèse de l'historique de Atom, avec ses ancêtres et concurrents (par ordre de création) RSS 0.9, 0.91, 1.0, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 2.0 et 1.1

FeedLounge - the web-based feed reader redefined

by 25 others
En voilà un qui va peut-être remplacer mon bon vieux FeedDemon...