June 2006
Mac On Stuff: How to run Windows XP under Ubuntu Dapper
by 3 othersHow to run Windows XP under Ubuntu Dapper
February 2006
Download | Songbirdnest.com
by 56 othersSongbird is a Web player built from Firefox's browser engine. Songbird is open source, will run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and supports user contributed, cross-platform extensions
January 2006
November 2005
October 2005
CRRCsim: A Model-Airplane Flight Simulation Program for Linux
(via)A Model-Airplane Flight Simulation Program
August 2005
NSLU2 Linux - HowTo / DynDNSupdate
I have add a workaround to update the dyndns.org service, because my DSL-Router have no option for this.
May 2005
GmailFS - Gmail Filesystem
by 11 othersGmailFS provides a mountable Linux filesystem which uses your Gmail account as its storage medium.
La radio, internet & Linux
Ecouter la radio sur internet est devenu monnaie courante. Encore faut-il utiliser les bons outils et si possible les outils libres ... Nous allons voir qu’il n’est pas toujours facile de rester uniquement dans le monde du libre pour écouter la radio même si Ogg-vorbis se développe...
GeeXboX HomePage
by 1 otherLa GeeXboX n'est rien de plus qu'un formidable lecteur multimedia autonome.
April 2005
Ubuntu Linux Forums - Upgrade from Warty to Hoary
Upgrade from Warty to Hoary
Un bon debut pour faire son upgrade...
Home - mt-daapd project site
Un serveur iTunes libre
March 2005
Documentation IceCast eb Français
(15 marks)