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PUBLIC MARKS from nicolasd with tag source


SpongeStats, un nouvel outil gratuit et open source de statistiques - Presse-citron - Le blog

Vous ne trouvez pas qu'il est un peu frustrant de devoir attendre toujours le lendemain pour connaître l'audience de son site ? Et si le temps réel était l'avenir des outils de mesure d'audience ? Mes camarades et collègues lyonnais Samy et Bastien ont bossé dur ces dernières semaines pour mettre la dernière main à SpongeStats, un outil d'analyse de fréquentation en temps réel pour votre site Internet ou votre blog.


Extension Firefox : coloration de code source - dew's blog

View Source Chart est une extension Firefox mettant en valeur le code source pour une meilleure compréhension de la hiérarchie des blocs.

Dojo -

by 67 others
Dojo is the Open Source JavaScript toolkit that helps you build serious applications in less time.

Download |

by 56 others
Songbird is a Web player built from Firefox's browser engine. Songbird is open source, will run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and supports user contributed, cross-platform extensions


Open Source Mac - Free, Open-Source software for OS X

by 46 others (via)
Free and open-source software is good for you and good for the world. This is the best OS X software that we know of.


by 49 others
Sajax is an open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework — also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting — as easy as possible

osCommerce, Open Source Online Shop E-Commerce Solutions

by 17 others
osCommerce is the leading Open Source online shop e-commerce solution


by 6 others
ourTunes is the continuation of several open source projects designed to allow you to browse and download from other people's iTunes Music Shares

The WIRED CD: Rip. Sample. Mash. Share. | Creative Commons

by 5 others
These musicians are saying that true creativity needs to be open, fluid, and alive. When it comes to copyright, they are pro-choice. Here are 16 songs that encourage people to play with their tunes, not just play them.

nicolasd's TAGS related to tag source

ajax +   blog +   code +   de +   e-shop +   extension +   firefox +   internet +   itunes +   javascript +   linux +   mac +   music +   musique +   open +   php +   stat +   toolkit +   widget +