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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags géographie & géolocalisation



Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) pour tracer des cartes sous Ubuntu - KubuntuBlog

by 2 others
GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) est une collection d'outils libres et multi-plateformes permettant la génération de cartes et de diagrammes. Regroupant de l'ordre de 60 programmes en ligne de commande elle offre de nombreuses possibilités telles la création de cartes selon différentes projections, la représentation de données géographiques, la génération de graphiques et même la représentation en 3D.


by 1 other (via)
TagMaps is a toolkit to visualize text (well, tags) geographically on a map. Check out the sample applications, where we use Flickr tags on a map to build a world exploration tool.


About Geo-Names

The geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license. It contains over eight million geographical names and consists of 6.2 million unique features whereof 2.2 million populated places and 1.8 million alternate names. All features are categorized into one out of nine feature classes and further subcategorized into one out of 645 feature codes. The data is accessible free of charge through a number of webservices and a daily database export. Geonames is integrating geographical data such as names, altitude, population and others from various sources. All lat/long coordinates are in WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984). Users may manually edit, correct and add new names using a user friendly wiki interface.

GeoRSS Home

by 8 others (via)
Geographically Encoded Objects for RSS feeds