public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from phdunay with tag "social media"

12 June 2007

Exclusive Interview: Malcolm Gladwell discusses Web 2.0

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the World Innovation Forum by the HSM Group. Participants at the World Innovation Forum came away with new understanding of how businesses can pivot and become more innovative as well as plenty of insights about what the future holds. As a blogger, and member of the virtual media, I was delighted to hear that I was welcome to interview 2 of the guest (my top 2 picks) Malcolm Gladwell and Clayton Christensen.

24 May 2007

Communities at Microsoft, a podcast with Sean O'Driscoll

I've been reading all I can about social media and communities. But honestly, I heard more new ideas from Sean than in all of the articles and blogs I've come across on the topic. I conducted an interview with Sean O’ Driscoll to learn what it is like to have thousands of communities to listen to and manage. And I wanted to learn how you harness these communities for product launches as part of an integrated marketing campaign. Enjoy …

21 May 2007

Manipulating Viral Buzz

The move to bring a measure of predictability to the still-unpredictable world of viral marketing is being driven by clients. They are trying to balance the risks inherent in a new marketing medium with the need to prove return on investment.

18 May 2007

Where is Social Media heading, a podcast with Chad Stoller

I conducted an interview with Chad Stoller, Organic’s Executive Director of Emerging Platforms, to discuss the direction of social media as seen through his eyes and the eyes of his clients. I was curious about what B2B and B2C clients are asking him for as a clue to what we should all be thinking about.

04 May 2007

Search vs. Social Media, a podcast with Adam Lavelle

Search engine marketing has become a mainstay of any marketing department and a must-have in any integrated marketing plan. But did you ever wonder what all the new social media is going to mean for the search engine marketing industry? Good, then this podcast is for you! I conducted an interview with Adam Lavelle, Chief Strategy Officer of iCrossing, a search media company that is answering these questions and more.