05 October 2007 07:45
Mastering Oracle Python, Part 2: Working with Times and Dates
Starting with the Python 2.4 release, cx_Oracle handles DATE and TIMESTAMP datatypes natively, mapping values of such columns to Python datetime objects from the datetime module. This offers certain advantages as datetime objects support arithmetic operations in-place. Built-in time zone support and several dedicated modules make Python a real time machine. The transition between Python and Oracle date/time datatypes is completely transparent to developers thanks to cx_Oracle's mapping mechanisms.
Python developers might find Oracle's date arithmetic a bit odd at first, but only with a few tips it becomes completely clear and very reasonable. This part of the series will give you an in-depth understanding of date arithmetic from both Oracle and Python's point of view. Each of them offers rich support for handling date/time datatypes, so it is the programmer's choice which one to rely on. If you tend to put application logic inside the database or whether you prefer to encapsulate date/time operations in the application itself, the seamless integration of Oracle with Python offers you maximum flexibility with limited programming effort.
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