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PUBLIC MARKS from pvergain with tags internet & blogs

25 January 2007 19:00

Blogging 101 - An introduction to reading and writing a weblog, by Anton Zuiker

In the early days of the Internet, each new page was a cause for celebration. The early pioneers watched in excitement as the network grew, and they wanted to keep people informed about this growth. In 1992, Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee created the first What’s New page; later, another pioneer, Marc Andreesen, put up a similar page. Each had hotlinks to the new pages springing up on the Net. As the Internet grew and the World Wide Web came about, other programmers created hand-coded pages with their recommendations for surfing the Net – they “filtered” the Net. Justin Hall started his filter log in 1994. In 1998, Jorn Barger coined the term “weblog.” Soon, says weblogger and author Rebecca Blood, these “link-driven sites” were very popular, and webloggers became a community. Each weblog included a list of similar filter sites. In 1999, websites Blogger and Pitas began to offer a simpler way to create a weblog. These hosted services allowed any person to easily sign up, create a blog, and write numerous postings. All without having to know HTML. Since then, millions of weblogs have been created. The term is now pronounced web-log or we-blog, or shorted to blog. And these blogs evolved into personal diaries or journals. Many journal-blogs still do include a list of other similar sites. This is a called a blogroll. Other blog software programs and services include LiveJournal, Movable Type, TypePad, TextPattern, Radio Userland and pMachine. Some of these programs are simple to use while others are more complicated to install. These programs include many powerful publishing tools, and are often called content management systems. The systems allow any individual to be a publisher on a global scale. This new type of publishing is called microcontent, thin media or nanopublishing.

23 January 2007 22:00

DotClear - Wikipédia

DotClear est un logiciel libre, système de weblog (blog) distribué sous licence GPL. Il est extrêmement populaire en France, mais son utilisation hors de l'Hexagone est moins répandue. Développé à l'origine par Olivier Meunier seul, DotClear est désormais animé par une petite équipe de programmeurs bénévoles. DotClear est un logiciel libre écrit en PHP et respectueux des standards du web. Il propose entre autres : * une installation automatisée ; * une interface multilingue ; * une gestion multi-utilisateur ; * la gestion d'UTF-8 ; * un système de plugin et thèmes graphiques… La version actuelle est issue de la branche 1.x. La version branche 2.x gérera les métadonnées (rattrapant en cela son « concurrent » WordPress) ainsi que SQLite et PostgreSQL et fonctionnera exclusivement avec PHP 5.0. Elle devrait intégrer de l’AJAX avec parcimonie. La version 2, actuellement en phase "beta" publique est sortie et est une évolution majeure, permettant notamment de gérer plusieurs blog.

WordPress - Wikipédia

système de gestion de contenu libre écrit en PHP et reposant sur une base de données MySQL. WordPress est surtout utilisé comme logiciel de blog, mais ses fonctionnalités lui permettent également de gérer un site personnel. Il est distribué sous la Licence publique générale GNU. Le logiciel est aussi à l'origine du service

23 January 2007 21:00

Wordpress Templates «

by 3 others
This is a list of the new ten best Free Wordpress Templates available on the Internet. Wordpress is an amazing open source blogging platform. Which means anyone out there on the internet can take it and use or modify it. One of the best things about Wordpress is the large number of free templates available. In fact there are so many free templates available for Wordpress that it has become overwhelming to find the best quality templates. I have tried my best to collect the best free Wordpress templates available out there. A lot of great designer and programmer are out there, who have spent there time and effort to develop these free Wordpress templates. I see a lot of people using the same free templates over and over again hopefully this will help you discover new free templates available for Wordpress. Even though I am listing only the best free Wordpress templates you can always go through the website of the author who designed these free Wordpress templates and discover more quality templates. Most of the templates here are rated according to their design in fact if you compare their features they might not score so high. But you can always modify them to suit your own need. For example K2 is great template with support for a huge variety of plug-ins by default. With out further ado I present you the ten best free Wordpress templates.