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PUBLIC MARKS from redrubicon with tags lakefront & wisconsin

28 March 2007 21:30

Ready, Willing, and Able: Buying or Building a Lakeshore Cabin or Home-Tips for the Disabled

Those who are disabled face different challenges when buying a cabin or lake property, but by following these tips below they can enjoy the benefits of life on the lake. According to the U.S. Census Bureau over 49.7 million Americans live with disabilities every day. According to the Minnesota Disability Data Table from the 2004 American Community Survey, an estimated 566,000 people in Minnesota have a disability, or 12.2 percent of the population age five and over.

Where Do You Want to Build Your Lake Home?: Minnesota Lake Classifications

Like the people who enjoy them, Minnesota’s waters are plentiful and diverse, ranging from the sterile, rock bottom lakes of the Arrowhead to the naturally fertile and shallow basins of the southwest prairie regions. Depending on what you want to do with your vacation property, it would be wise to familiarize yourself with these different classifications to ensure that the lake you build next to suits your needs. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources divides Minnesota’s lakes into three separate categories: Natural Environment Lakes, Recreational Development Lakes, and General Development Lakes.

28 March 2007 21:15

Not For the Sake of Convenience: A Editorial

Back in the days of Lewis and Clark, government surveyors were sent to map the land, using existing features and landmarks to establish monuments (or corners) that would be used as reference points as the land was divided and sold as settlers moved into the region. Boundaries were drawn and changed as more and more people settled the area, but all of those changes, from 1880 to 1930 were made in accordance to the corners established by the original government surveys.

Get Ready to Look for a Lake Home

One of the most stressful things any young family can do (besides getting the all relatives together for Christmas dinner) is buying a home especially if it’s their first one. But with careful planning, diligent research, and plenty of patience, most families are able to find the home that best fits their personal and financial needs. The same goes for finding a lake home. By crunching your numbers, defining what you want, and shopping aggressively, you can make your search for your home away from home go as smoothly as possible. Here are a few tips to help you get started on your lake home search.

Three Reasons to Look For a Lake Home Sooner Than Later

Many of us dream of owning a lake home or a piece of lakeshore. There is a certain sense of freedom in knowing that you have a place to escape the stresses and the worries of ordinary life. A place where you can go and indulge yourself and do whatever you like to do, whether it be fishing, water skiing, or just enjoying watching the sun disappear behind the horizon. There is also a certain sense of security knowing that you have something special to share with future generations down the road. The dream is nice, but the reality is better. You might want to start looking for a lake home now because this buyer’s market isn’t going to last forever. You might also want to consider the following points to help you jumpstart your lake home search.

redrubicon's TAGS related to tag lakefront

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