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07 April 2006 18:30

Zend Technologies - Absolute Beginners - PHP 101 (part 11): Sinfully Simple

Easy Peasy Unless you've been hiding in a cave for the last few years, you've heard about XML - it's the toolkit that more and more Web publishers are switching to for content markup. You may even have seen an XML document in action, complete with user-defined tags and markup, and you might have wondered how on earth one converts that tangled mess of code into human-readable content. The answer is, not easily. While PHP has included support for the two standard methods of parsing (read: making sense of) XML - SAX and DOM - since version 4.0, the complexity and inherent geekiness of these methods often turned off all but the most dedicated XML developers. All that has changed, however, with PHP 5.0, which introduces a brand-spanking-new XML extension named SimpleXML that takes all (and I do mean all) the pain out of processing XML documents. Keep reading, and find out how.

ruadrift's TAGS related to tag xml

complextypes +   language +   lanugage +   parse +   php +   programming +   reference +   tutorial +   validation +