22 July 2005
PHPUnit Pocket Guide
(via)While there are lots of bits of documentation all over the place, there isn't a go-to-manual that serves as a quick reference for PHPUnit. This Pocket Guide meets the need, bringing together all the bits of hard to remember information, syntax, and rules for working with PHPUnit, as well as delivering the insight and sage advice that can only come from a technology's creator.
20 July 2005
14 July 2005
Apprendre REST - un style d'architecture du Web
by 5 others (via)Traduction française des articles de Joe Gregorio sur REST
28 June 2005
Efficient JavaScript code - UserJS.org
by 4 others (via)Opera has one of the fastest and most efficient JavaScript engines of any browser, but when you have multiple User JavaScripts installed, it is important that they run efficiently to keep Opera's performance as high as possible. Well written code will help to minimise the performance impact of User JavaScripts.
23 June 2005
by 11 others (via)Ce site se compose d' un ensemble d'articles et de classes ecrites en PHP (PHP 4 et PHP5) ainsi que de leur documentation respective.
22 June 2005
Livre Gestion de projet eXtreme Programming - J. Bénard, L. Bossavit, R. Médina, D. Williams - - Librairie Eyrolles
(via)Une présentation détaillée et riche en retours d'expérience des principes et des pratiques de l'Extreme Programming. Deux études de cas donnent une perspective vivante du déroulement d'un projet XP.
by 1 other (via)XPWeb is a web-based tool to manage eXtreme Programming projects.
It includes making plannings, using calendars, printing statistic reports, and manage other eXtreme Programming stuff like the metaphor.
Among other functionalities, XPWeb has XML export, powerfull authentification system, multi-project handling, and basic documentation handling.
21 June 2005
13 June 2005
(10 marks)