public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sledge with tag web

March 2006

Encytemedia: Working With Events In Prototype

by 1 other (via)
Events drive interaction for almost everything and the web is no exception

December 2005

b e s y . c o . u k - home is a collection of notes and articles derived from my study of Debian Linux, systems networking and web development, and other related resources.

November 2005

Web Application Security Reviews | PHP Everywhere

by 2 others
As we continue to develop what I like to think is Enterprise PHP software, one of the most painful parts of the software installation is when we have to go through security audits. The most sticky and difficult ones that i have seen are the audits of financial institutions.

SitePoint Blogs » Website testing with TestGen4Web and Firefox

by 3 others (via)
a Firefox extension (needs 1.5 beta) to help automate testing of web applications, developed by Spikesource, a company making a name for themselves by testing Open Source applications.

August 2005

Script de création de comptes Web -

by 3 others
Grace à ce script vous pourrez rapidement créer des hébergements Web sur votre serveur, à la manière d'un hébergement mutualisé. C'est à dire qu'en fournissant au script un login, un mot de passe et un domaine, vous allez générer un espace web accessible par FTP, avec PHP5 ainsi qu'une base de données MySQL accessible via PHPMyAdmin.

July 2005

Usable Content Manifesto

by 2 others (via)
Much of my recent work has been spent right in the center of where strategy and tactics meet. I’m smack dab in the middle of a grey area surrounded by branding, content development, information organization, usability and design.

Web 2.0 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by 12 others (via)
Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end users. Ultimately Web 2.0 services are expected to replace desktop computing applications for many purposes.

GTDTiddlyWiki - all your tasks are belong to you

by 27 others (via)
GTD Tiddly Wiki is a GettingThingsDone adaptation by NathanBowers of JeremyRuston's Open Source TiddlyWiki. The purpose of GTD Tiddly Wiki is to give users a single repository for their GTD lists and support materials so they can create/edit lists, and then print directly to 3x5 cards for use with the HipsterPDA.

Tutoriels xhtml, css, javascript et php

Ce site se veut didactique et porteur d'exemples concrets de ce qu'il est possible de faire avec quelques uns des principaux langages de programmation web que sont xhtml, css, javascript et php

Tutoriel : Créer un diaporama en ligne grâce à Picasa

Vous avez envie de partager vous-même vos images sur votre site perso ? Suivez notre tutoriel illustré et vous saurez comment utiliser cette fonctionnalité du logiciel gratuit Picasa...

OpenID: an actually distributed identity system

by 31 others (via)
This is a decentralized identity system, but one that's actually decentralized and doesn't entirely crumble if one company turns evil or goes out of business. An OpenID identity is just a URL. You can have multiple identities in the same way you can have multiple URLs.


Rainlendar is a customizable calendar that displays the current month. It is a very lightweight application that doesn't use much system resources or take much space on your desktop.

e-calendar par Hippocampe Studio

by 2 others (via)
e-calendar est un outil basé sur le couple php/mysql, développé en XHTML 1.0 Strict. Il permet d'organiser son emploi du temps et de tirer des bilans des diverses activités. Cet outil à été développé par Hippocampe Studio suite à un besoin n'ayant trouvé aucune solution simple et adaptée. ≈ AJAX Login System Demo

by 12 others (via)
Creating a secure login system using XMLHttpRequest This is an example of a login system that does not require page refreshes, but is still very secure.

June 2005

Tools Lab

The aim of this tool is to test the contrast between two colours according to the WCA. It tell you if the foreground and background colours you use in your website are accessible.

AJAX Matters - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and XMLHTTP development information

by 17 others (via)
AJAX Matters is an informational site about AJAX (short for "Advanced Javascripting and XML" or "Asynchronous JavaScripting and XML") and how these technologies are applied to web development.

Backbase - Rich Internet Applications

by 10 others
With Backbase software you can quickly create user-friendly and highly interactive Rich Internet Applications. These applications are based on Web Standards and can be viewed in almost any modern web browser without installing any plug-ins. Backbase is ideally suited to create the presentation layer of web applications, especially if ease of use and time-to-market are essential. Adoption of the Backbase software will allow you to communicate more effectively with your customers, and improve the productivity of your web developers. - web 2.0 javascript

by 199 others provides you with easy-to-use, compatible and, ultimately, totally cool JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly, Web 2.0 style


by 1 other (via)
XPWeb is a web-based tool to manage eXtreme Programming projects. It includes making plannings, using calendars, printing statistic reports, and manage other eXtreme Programming stuff like the metaphor. Among other functionalities, XPWeb has XML export, powerfull authentification system, multi-project handling, and basic documentation handling.

sledge's TAGS related to tag web

2.0 +   accessibilité +   ajax +   apache +   app +   application +   blog +   couleurs +   css +   debian +   definition +   design +   dev +   diaporama +   firefox +   hébergement +   identification +   installation +   interface +   javascript +   lib:prototype +   linux +   photo +   php +   script +   scripts +   security +   software +   test +   time +   tips +   tutorial +   usabilité +   wiki +   xp +