August 2009
Monitoring logs and command output with multitail and watch
Monitoring system logs or the status of a command that produces file or directory output are common tasks for systems administrators. Learn how to use two popular open source tools simplify these activities for modern systems administrators: the multitail and watch commands.
May 2009
Comparing UNIX inovation
This article compares and contrasts some of the innovations of the latest releases
of AIX 6.1, Solaris 10, and HP-UX. Learn the differences on how to work with
certain tasks, such as networking and performance tuning. Also, see at a high
level some of the virtualization differences among these big three. You decide
what you prefer best.
Who has better virtualization, HP-UX, Solaris, or AIX
Why is virtualization so important? The short answer is that virtualization enables businesses to lower their technology Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), while increasing their Return on Investment (ROI). What do the top UNIX vendors have to offer with respect to virtualization? Find out what virtualization is more scalable. Here's a look at HP's Virtual Server Environment (VSE), Sun's xVM, and IBM's PowerVM.
(3 marks)