October 2007
Aptera's Next Generation Car | AlwaysOn
f this isn’t the most beautiful example of next generation aerodynamics ever seen on a vehicle, show me something better. The car looks like a porpoise with two front wheels. It looks like a spaceship
September 2007
HelioVolt - Solar Power. From the Ground Up - Home
HelioVolt’s FASST™ technology produces high-performance solar thin-film with pioneering time and materials efficiencies. 10 to 100 times faster than current processes. 100 times thinner than traditional silicon.
Technology Review: Making Cheaper Solar Cells
Powered by $77 million in new investment, startup Heliovolt, based in Austin, TX, will build a factory next year for mass-producing a new type of solar cell that could, in much of the United States, make solar electricity as cheap as electricity from the
July 2007
AustinCast » Blog Archive » Live Earth rocks world on 7/7/7
Live Earth started in Asia with an ancient Aboriginal instrument. Then a holographic image of Al Gore appeared on stage. Then it moved on to London and Madonna. Concerts in Sydney, Tokyo and Shanghai kicked off 22 hours of music by more than 150 artists i
June 2007
Solio - Portable Hybrid Solar Charger
cool flash app with photos that you can click on and expand... also a cool solar charger for your phone, ipod or laptop
(5 marks)