public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags flash & "springnet blogmarks"

May 2008

April 2008

February 2008

wordTube at alex.rabe

playlist demo of several media files. wordTube supports streaming video format (Format .flv or .swf), sound files as MP3 and JPG, GIF or PNG grafic files. With wordTube you insert it into your blog with the tag [MEDIA=ID] or as playlist [MYPLAYLIST=ID].

October 2007

WyldRyde IRC Network - Add a Chatroom To Your Web Site

"This is actually what Lockergnome is using...we're using the WyldRyde IRC Network...we've got a nice little Java applet that pops up in the browser window...Its fantastic, I would consider using virtually no other chat software at this point. It works!

August 2007

AppleTV Flash Mashup

fantastic video mashup... very compelling design and look feel.... cool