public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags media & walhus

April 2007

New Calacanis link-baiting rules

I've developed some deep relationships over the past couple of years blogging and I realize that those relationships manifest themselves in the links I find when I do my 28x a daily ego search over at Technorati.


by 5 others
We help you find things that are on the rise and worth your time. Our approach combines buzz detection with editorial commentary

Why Everyone's Talking about Twitter | TIME

Twitter could set your inner blogger free. While some people call it microblogging or moblogging, I like to think of Twitter simply as blogging for regular people.

March 2007 - the free online file converter

by 5 others
Common tags: audio computer conversion convert converter file files flv free internet media mp3 music online premier tool tools video videos web2.0 windows youtube

November 2006

Jon Peck: How to Configure an $80 File Server in 45 Minutes

by 3 others
I use a modded Xbox and Xbox Media Center for playing media files across the network on my television and sound system. I also download large files, such as Linux ISOs, via BitTorrent. However, leaving my primary computer on all the time seemed like a w