public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags movies & sxsw

March 2008

SXSW 2008 | film and music reviews, interviews, podcasts and coverage

The real deal at SXSW from Jim Shearer. For example - who had the best Bjorn Borg imitation? And the worst pizza? Independent Film Channel live coverage of SXSW

January 2007

OVGuide - Online Video Guide.

by 3 others
ONLINE VIDEO GUIDE ( ) If you've watched all of YouTube's hundred-million-and-counting videos and still have some time to spare, unglue your eyes from the computer monitor, get up, stretch, and then come back and check out this site. Online V

July 2006

Open Letter to Mark Cuban

Paul Terry Walhus makes a proposal to Mark Cuban for boosting attendence at his movie venues. It's a mashup of food a la the Austin Alamo Draft House, plus pacman like table screens for ordering food and interacting with other moviegoers a la http://bsid

Open Letter to Mark Cuban

Paul Terry Walhus takes up Mark's challenge and puts in his bid for a job with the Mavs owner. Paul wants to mashup the Alamo food at movies concept, with wifi touchscreens for ordering food and bling, and toss in a film festival ambience for good measu

The Movie Business Challenge - Blog Maverick - _

This is an open challenge. You come up with a solution, you get a job. Seriously. This is the problem that consumes me more than what Free Agent we are going to sign. How to get the NBA to get their act together. Which 7-11 Im going to run by to get a san