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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tags seo & google


Make sure Google can see lazy-loaded content  |  Search  |  Google Developers

This document explains how to make sure Google can crawl and index lazy-loaded content.

Get started with dynamic rendering  |  Search  |  Google Developers

Currently, it's difficult to process JavaScript and not all search engine crawlers are able to process it successfully or immediately. In the future, we hope that this problem can be fixed, but in the meantime, we recommend dynamic rendering as a workaround solution to this problem. Dynamic rendering means switching between client-side rendered and pre-rendered content for specific user agents.


Contenus disponibles par abonnement et contenus soumis à un paywall  |  Search  |  Google Developers

Cette page décrit comment utiliser la méthode JSON-LD pour signaler la présence de contenu soumis à un paywall sur votre site, à l'aide de propriétés CreativeWork. Ces données structurées permettent à Google de dissocier de tels contenus de ceux générés via des techniques de dissimulation, qui ne respectent donc pas nos consignes. En savoir plus sur les contenus disponibles par abonnement et soumis à un paywall. : Faîtes vous-même le référencement de votre site sur Google

by 1 other
Optimiz est le seul logiciel qui permet à toute personne de gérer elle-même le référencement de son site internet, sans connaissance préalable.


Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Deprecating our AJAX crawling scheme

Times have changed. Today, as long as you're not blocking Googlebot from crawling your JavaScript or CSS files, we are generally able to render and understand your web pages like modern browsers. To reflect this improvement, we recently updated our technical Webmaster Guidelines to recommend against disallowing Googlebot from crawling your site's CSS or JS files.

Pourquoi le nouvel algorithme de Google fait craindre un "Armageddon mobile"

Le moteur de recherche lancera mardi son nouvel algorithme « mobile-friendly » mettant plus en avant les sites adaptés aux smartphones. Les deux tiers des sites français ne seraient pas prêts et risquent de perdre beaucoup de visibilité, donc d’audience et potentiellement de recettes.


Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Promoting modern websites for modern devices in Google search results

by 2 others
Starting today in our English search results in the US, we will indicate to searchers when our algorithms detect pages that may not work on their devices. For example, Adobe Flash is not supported on iOS devices or on Android versions 4.1 and higher, and a page whose contents are mostly Flash may be noted like this

Making AJAX Applications Crawlable - Webmasters — Google Developers

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If you're running an AJAX application with content that you'd like to appear in search results, we have a new process that, when implemented, can help Google (and potentially other search engines) crawl and index your content. Historically, AJAX applications have been difficult for search engines to process because AJAX content is produced dynamically by the browser and thus not visible to crawlers. While there are existing methods for dealing with this problem, they involve regular manual maintenance to keep the content up-to-date


Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Unifying content under multilingual templates

First of all, just to be clear, the strategy we’re proposing isn’t appropriate for multilingual sites that completely translate each page’s content. We’re trying to specifically improve the situation where the template is localized but the main content of a page remains duplicate/identical across language/country variants.