public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tacodog77 with tags careers & "job boards"

19 September 2006

Exploring the Job Candidate Bill of Rights Part 2

If a recruiter cannot find a way to get a good match between his positions and quality candidates that are available and interested, then he’ll just post a generalized position and try to generate a pile, stack, or tsunami of resumes that he can stack on some poor hiring authority’s desk.

Recruiters and Hiring Authorities: Where Did it All Go Wrong?

"The Internet and all the new technology that has come along with it to-date has turned a “relationship” process between recruiter and candidate into an administrative nightmare. Recruiters at computers making mass decisions about people…people - remember?"

08 September 2006

A Job Candidate Bill of Rights

by 1 other
No 1: Confidentiality: Individuals are entitled to the security and confidentiality of their personal and professional background and data. Any decision to make that data available to others must be at the specific request of the individual.

25 August 2006

It’s the Design, Stupid. Why Job Boards Don't Work.

There are so many design flaws on job boards these days it’s a wonder that anyone finds work at all. Some boards instantly put your resume in the public domain, exposing you to retribution from your current employer, while other sites do absolutely nothing to protect you from identity thieves let alone your boss.

23 August 2006

Recruiting: Out with the Hate, In with the Love

With frustrated parties on all sides. people aren’t finding the work they need, employers aren’t finding the employees they need, and recruiters are getting it from both ends. Yep, this trend of hate is beating everyone down, but recruiters might have the most to lose.

22 August 2006

Third-String Quarterbacks (and job recruiters)

Recruiters find themselves with “third-stringers” at their door. Now, they can commit to the people in front of them and struggle through a long drawn-out battle that might not amount to anything, or they can focus on the starters.