public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tacodog77 with tags employment & "job seekers"

08 September 2006

A Job Candidate Bill of Rights

by 1 other
No 1: Confidentiality: Individuals are entitled to the security and confidentiality of their personal and professional background and data. Any decision to make that data available to others must be at the specific request of the individual.

15 August 2006

Generation X in Job Limbo

So the ever-popular belief that Gen Xers were born lazy and that’s what has been holding them back in the workplace isn’t true? Shocking? It’s simply a numbers game. However, many believe and make a strong argument that plenty of decent jobs exist for Generation X out there.

09 August 2006

Apocalypse Now Job Recruiting: The Horror! The Horror!

Here is one thing candidates, recruiters, and employers can all agree on. The hiring process is a chore at best, and a horror at worst. Here's some tales of anguish and woe...

Tear Down this Wall: How Advertising Obstructs the Hiring Process

No more than 10-15% of the workforce feels job boards serve their needs. Instead, job boards serve Madison Avenue, not the hard-working men and women living on Main Street, USA.