08 September 2006
A Job Candidate Bill of Rights
by 1 otherNo 1: Confidentiality: Individuals are entitled to the security and confidentiality of their personal and professional background and data. Any decision to make that data available to others must be at the specific request of the individual.
17 August 2006
Job Candidates are People, Too. Some Graciousness Please!
Do not, under any circumstances expect to hear anything - except the familiar and rote sunshine card…”We have received your resume and will keep it on file - should we have an opportunity that fits your background and skills we’ll be in touch!”
09 August 2006
Apocalypse Now Job Recruiting: The Horror! The Horror!
Here is one thing candidates, recruiters, and employers can all agree on. The hiring process is a chore at best, and a horror at worst. Here's some tales of anguish and woe...
(3 marks)