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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags CD-ROMS & "pearson longman"

December 2018

Longman Cutting Edge Education CD-ROMs (Starter, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate) [ISO][2007] ::

Longman Cutting Edge Education CD-ROMs (Starter, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate) [ISO] xГод выпуска: 2007 Автор: Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor Издательство: Pearson Longman Описание: Millions of teachers around the world appreciate Cutting Edge for its fun, thorough, communicative approach. Now it has even more to offer with new editions, new self-study CD-ROMs and software for the interactive whiteboard. What’s special about New Cutting Edge? The new editions contain all the ingredients that made the original edition so popular – a thorough grammar syllabus, plenty of vocabulary work and engaging speaking tasks. Based on feedback from teachers around the world, the new editions have been thoroughly updated with new texts and tasks, additional practice material and a whole range of other exciting features. * Challenge your students with the new ‘Study, Practice, Remember’ sections * Motivate your students with the new self-study CD-ROMs which provide additional grammar and vocabulary practice, plus ‘Real life’ video sequences * Engage your students with New Cutting Edge Digital – exciting new software for the interactive whiteboard. Teacher Support * Make your lessons varied and interesting using the Teacher’s Book with step-by-step teaching notes and loads of photocopiable activities * Get as much test material as you want using the Test Master CD-ROM – fully editable tests for all stages of the course * Make your lessons even more engaging and student-centred using New Cutting Edge Digital – software for the interactive whiteboard * Excite your students with rich, cultural content using the documentary-style videos and accompanying workbooks * Make lesson planning easier using the Companion Website - worksheets, webquests, Common European Framework benchmarking documents all available at Доп. информация: CD выложены в ISO-формате, можно либо установить программу на жесткий диск (setup.exe), либо работать прямо с диска (в окошке автозапуска "Run from CD" или на диске CuttingEdge.exe).

June 2018

Focus on Grammar 5 Advanced - 3rd Edition, 2006 [Longman]

Focus on Grammar 5 Advanced - 3rd Edition, 2006 [Longman] Known for its focus on English grammar through contextualized listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, this lively integrated skills course helps students bridge the gap between comprehending grammatical structures and actually using them. Each unit progresses through four steps: Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice. ► Student Book. ► Workbook. ► 4 Audio CDs: provide opportunities for both task-based and extended listening. ► Teacher’s Manual includes numerous teaching tips, audio scripts for all recorded exercises. Also includes Student Book Answer Key. ► Assessment Pack: placement, diagnostic, and achievement tests, grammar proficiency tests developed by Educational Testing Service ► PowerPoint CD-ROM includes PowerPoint presentations with user's Guide, transparencies, Scoring Rubrics, Graphic Organizers ► Test-generating CD-ROM allows teachers to create and customize tests quickly and easily, and is available alone or in the Assessment Package. ► Interactive CD-ROM: features contextualized, interactive activities for listening, reading, and writing practice of the grammar points and skills introduced in the Student Book. Resultado de imagem para Focus on Grammar 5 Advanced - 3rd Edition, 2006 [Longman]

Focus on Grammar 5 Advanced - 3rd Edition (Book, 2 supplements, 4CDs, 3 CD-ROMs) [2006, PDF+WMA+NRG] ::

Focus on Grammar 5 Advanced - 3rd Edition (Book, 2 supplements, 4CDs, 3 CD-ROMs) Год выпуска: 2006 Жанр: Учебное пособие Издательство: Pearson Education Формат: PDF, WMA, Nero image (.nrg) Качество: Отсканированные страницы 128 kbps, 44 kHz, stereo Количество страниц: 496+252+174 Описание: Known for its focus on English grammar through contextualized listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, this lively integrated skills course helps students bridge the gap between comprehending grammatical structures and actually using them. Each unit progresses through four steps: Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice, using a new color-coded format that makes the program easy for students to understand—and for teachers to implement. Specially , this five-level book has “grammar to writing” to build composition skills.