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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "bible hebrew" & "hebrew mp3"

09 April 2008 03:15

Hebrew Bible: Audio Tracks

Hebrew Bible: Audio Tracks The audio tracks below in mp3 format are courtesy of Audio Scriptures International. I have used audio editing software to divide the book files from ASI into separate chapter files. Please report broken or incorrect links to me via email. Please note: I do not sell or otherwise distribute CDs of these audio files. Thanks to two email replies, the reader has been identified as Abraham Shmueloff, a priest born in Jerusalem and now deceased. Additional information can be found here: The reader distinguishes ayin from aleph, and double consonants are distinctly pronounced. In a few sections there is an alternate reader. [I thank both Dr. Thomas Renz of Oak Hill College, London, UK and Elizabeth Young of Bat Kol Institute, Jerusalem, for providing information about Abraham Shmueloff.]