public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "cd photo" & slideshow

July 2009

Possiventura's Public Webalbums

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Digital photo album, photo organizer software, free photo editing software, slideshow software, and free online photo albums

May 2008


UniDream PowerSee (PS) offers highly efficient tools for you to browse your digital photos and windows media files. Its annotation feature has the ability to add comments including fonts, keywords, URL, custom play intervals and transition effects, as well as voice comments. They also give you the ability to search your photos or media files based on their comments and keywords. You can rename, rotate, resize, convert, print and watermark your photos in multiple folders in one step. PS incorporates normal file operations (copy, move, drag and drop), photo enhancements, and web album generator. Read more... Home PowerBatch PowerSee MenuaCD PhotoWatermark Administrator


Para montar o CD de fotos com o PowerSee, acione New Folder na área de criação do disco, à esquerda da tela. Reúna as fotos que deseja na pasta Photo, arrastando e soltando as imagens visualizadas. Para gravar as legendas de voz, acione o botão Anotate, na barra de ferramentas, e use o gravador embutido no programa. Depois, é só mandar o arquivo para o programa de gravação para ter um CD com autorun. O PowerSee também dá conta de renomear, girar, redimensionar e converter fotos para os formatos JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG e TIF e ainda escolher a qualidade do JPG.