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skin-deep (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

skin-deep - definition and synonyms Using the thesaurus adjective informal skin-deep pronunciation in British English Contribute to our Open Dictionary 1 a skin-deep quality or feeling is not as strong or important as it seems or as someone wants it to appear The problem is that their commitment is only skin-deep. Synonyms and related words General words used to describe emotions:acutely, affective, basic... Explore Thesaurus From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary 2 beauty is only skin-deep used for saying that a person’s character is more important than their appearance


Kooka - Scan and OCR Suite for KDE

Kooka screenshots This is the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) result page. It shows the success of the ocr process on the original source image and opens a small editor window below to correct misses.