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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags collinscobuild & english

09 September 2008 06:15

Cobuild Concordance and Collocations Sampler

Corpus Concordance Sampler The Collins WordbanksOnline English corpus is composed of 56 million words of contemporary written and spoken text. To get a flavour of the type of linguistic data that a corpus like this can provide, you can type in some simple queries here and get a display of concordance lines from the corpus. The query syntax allows you to specify word combinations, wildcards, part-of-speech tags, and so on.

09 September 2008 05:15

Collins - - Home of Collins Reference, Leisure and Lifestyle publishing

The Bank of English® (part of the Collins Word Web) is a collection of modern English language held on computer for analysis of words, meanings, grammar and usage. In linguistics and lexicography such a collection is called a corpus.

09 September 2008 04:45