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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "damnsmalllinux linux" & euaqui

11 September 2009 19:45

Our $1 Challenge : Damn Small Linux

EU AQUI euaqui COM O dsl damn small linux LiveCD live cd DAMN SMALL LINUX The Damn Small Linux $1 Challenge* If you have contributed to Damn Small Linux, thank you! For the rest of you... How much is our Linux project worth to you? Is the joy and convenience worth $1, $5, $100? Here is our challenge to those of you who have not contributed. How about just contributing one dollar to our efforts. If just ten percent of our user base contributed one dollar to our fund raising efforts we would have enough to work on Damn Small Linux full time. And then imagine what could happen to our little Linux project! So, how about being part of that one percent? Your return on investment will be very high. *Update While many in the DSL community have been very generous, it is apparent that a more realistic goal is 1%. I'd like to thank those who have helped us out. For those who want to renew your support we now offer a donation subscription service. If you want to contribute to Damn Small Linux, thank you for your help! Alternatively, if you are buying anything at all, you can support DSL by using our links at the DSM Market, where you will find links to many of the top Internet retailers -- a portion each sale goes to help DSL! Or, you may be interested in The Official Damn Small Linux Book.