public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "deviantart deviantdark" & "gnome themes"

24 July 2009 22:00

24 July 2009 17:00

deviantdark on deviantART

# Current Residence: Italy [Rome] # deviantWEAR sizing preference: S/M # Interests: Open-Source, GNU/Linux, Deviations, WebEngineering, Music, Poetry, HLV # Favourite movie: Mulholland Drive [David Lynch] # Favourite band or musician: Riverside, Opeth, Threshold # Favourite genre of music: Progressive Rock/Metal # Favourite poet or writer: Milan Kundera, Haruki Murakami # Favourite style of art: Minimalistic / Dark / Abstract / Vector # Operating System: Microsoft Windows Vista and GNU/Linux Ubuntu 9.04 # MP3 player of choice: Winamp / Sony W880i # Wallpaper of choice: Self-made # Favourite gaming platform: Znes [so '80s!] # Personal Quote: Art is not copying, but making better copies. # Tools of the Trade: Sony DSC W-30, Adobe Photoshop CS3, the GIMP

24 July 2009 16:00

tadeufilippini's TAGS related to tag "deviantart deviantdark"

deviantart +   deviantdark deviantart +   deviantdart +   gnome icons +   gnome temas +   gnome themes + +   hydroxygen +   icon +   icons +   icons gnome +   iconset +   temas gnome +   themes gnome +