public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "gnome eyecandy" & gnomenu

15 June 2009 07:00

GnoMenu 1.6

GnoMenu 1.6 Project: GnoMenu Series: trunk Release version: 1.6 Release code name: Expected: Released: 2008-11-16 Registrant: GnoMenu Team When: 2008-11-16 AREVISTA easy linux COLOCOU O LINK CORRETO QUE É ESSE PÁGINA 14 EDIÇAO 14 03/2009

GnoMenu - consolidated menu for gnome in Launchpad

GnoMenu - consolidated menu for gnome GnoMenu - A consolidated menu for gnome that brings eye candy to the world of the Gnome menu's. Fully functional menu , supports themes , for a composited or non composited desktop. It can emulate the look and feel of the most beautiful menus of most modern desktops, and it can also use custom menus, due to its powerful theme XML engine.

Pages matching "gnomenu" in Launchpad

Pages matching "gnomenu" in Launchpad Exact matches * GnoMenu GnoMenu - A consolidated menu for gnome that brings eye candy to the world of the Gnome menu's. Fully functional menu , supports themes , for a composited or non composited desktop. It can emulate the look and feel of the most beautiful menus of most modern desktops, and it can also use custom menus, due to its powerful theme XML engine. Registered by GnoMenu Team on 2008-11-16