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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "italian lessons" & "Language Courses"

03 June 2008 18:15

BBC - Languages - Italian

by 1 other
Beginners Talk Italian A video introduction to the language in 10 short parts Intermediate Italianissimo Selected clips from the classic TV series

03 June 2008 18:00

Interactive Italian language course. Copyright 1997, 1998. 1999 Fabio Girelli-Carasi. This project is supported in part by a grant from TITLE VI, US Department of Education.

The Interactive Course that Makes Learning Italian Easy ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project is funded in part through a grant from Title VI U.S. Department of Education International Resources and Studies PR/Award P017A0048 © Fabio Girelli-Carasi 1997-2004

tutorino - learn italian, toronto italian lessons, classes

Have some Italian for lunch - nouns not gnocchi! Served up tutorino-style. Don’t just eat Italian, speak it! This site makes it easy as falling off a Vespa. You'll find Italian grammar, vocab, activities, listening exercises, events, prizes, proverbs, jokes, poems, book picks, and links, updated weekly - all for free. Or hire a tutorino personal trainer - personal Italian trainer that is. Tutorino gives private Italian language lessons right in your home or office or a nearby coffee shop or library anywhere in Toronto. From the Lake to Leaside, The Beach to Bloor West - and all points between and beyond - we go anywhere the subway will take us! Not from Toronto? Learn from our local marchigiana Sabrina with skyperino, tutorino's powerful new real-time, one-to-one lessons through Skype. Or try our fun and friendly Italian language group classes. Charm those Calabrese in-laws. Sound like a local on your trip to Italia bella. Wow your colleagues with the correct pronunciation of bruschetta at your favourite ristorante. Don't just eat Italian, speak it! Tutorino - Toronto's coolest language nerds.

03 June 2008 17:45

Learn Italian For Free.

Learn Italian (Italiano) Italian is considered one of the easiest languages to learn, according to the experience of many learners who even mastered it in a short time. Italian is an important language since it’s the official language of Italy and San Marino, and is an official language in Switzerland because it's spoken in Ticino and Grigioni cantons. It is also the second official language in Vatican City and in some areas of Istria in Slovenia and Croatia with an Italian minority. It is also widely known and taught in Monaco and Malta. It is widely used also in France (Corsica and Nice) and Albania. Also widely used by immigrants in Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium, the United States, Canada, Venezuela, Uruguay, Brazil, El Salvador, Argentina, and Australia. It is spoken in parts of Africa that were formerly under Italian rule such as Somalia, Libya and Eritrea. Italian is often described both as the language of art and music and as the language best suited to singing. Since the Renaissance its general cultural importance has been considerable. You can learn Italian very quickly and for free; just follow the lessons one by one, with a strong determination, learning Italian has never been easier. Included in the Italian level I you will find Italian verbs, Italian adjectives, Italian vocabulary, Italian phrases and expressions, Italian pronouns, Italian prepositions, Italian is easy to learn so take advantage of that! Have fun! and the website will always add new features and subjects to help learners expand their knowledge constantly. If you have any question please e-mail me at: Regards Salim Level II & Level III will be available soon!

Free Italian Language and Grammar Tutorial ---

Welcome to This is a free on line tutorial concerning the Italian language. The Italian language is directly derived from Latin, from which other languages such as French and Spanish are derived. Actually it is spoken by about 60 millions people in Italy and Southern Switzerland, and by the little Italian community around the world (Argentina and US for example). But there're a lot of people who study it for work or for pleasure. I hope this site will help them in their study of this marvellous, though difficult, language. Everything here is for free. You will find a complete grammatical reference (I should better say "which aims to be complete") to help you deal with the most important grammatical concepts. You will find a vocabulary section, some lessons, to help you learn words and expressions useful in the everyday life and an exercise section. There's a section concerning other resources which can be useful to an Italian learner,like textbooks and penpals you can practise Italian with. Main features of Italian language

Welcome to, the perfect place to learn Italian! This site features sound clips to help you with pronunciation, and activities under the Games section to help you reinforce what you learned. To use the sound clips, simply hover your mouse over any sound icon you see. A bubble will pop up, and click on the green play button in the bubble. Your browser will then begin to download the sound clip, and once downloading is complete, the sound will play. To stop a sound that is currently playing, click on the red stop button. Have a try!

03 June 2008 17:30

The Italian Electronic Classroom!

The Italian Electronic Classroom! TM is a project of Centro Studi ItalianiTM, aimed at providing free on-line, useful information on difficult aspects of the Italian language to students, teachers, translators, writers. This is a work in progress. Periodically we will add new pages on topics covering grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and so on. Visit our site again and send us your suggestions!

03 June 2008 17:15

italian language course for the internet mainframe

LEZIONE 1 IO io sono, io mi chiamo, io lavoro, io abito, aggettivi, nazionalita' LEZIONE 2 TU abitare in: casa, appartamento, villa, etc. appartamento.... Formazione domande domanda LEZIONE 3 LUI, LEI formale/informale; lavorare in; articoli indeterminativi LEZIONE 4 CHE COSA FAI? Professioni; articoli determinativi; la scuola; formazione domande LEZIONE 5 LA FAMIGLIA Avere; possessivi; i numeri; il plurale LEZIONE 6 LA CASA La vita in citta' ; la vita in campagna; la natura LEZIONE 7 A CASA Le attivita' in casa; le stanze; l'appartamento; la villetta LEZIONE 8 LA CASA Stanza per stanza LEZIONE 9 IL CIBO Mangiare; la cucina; invito a cena; imperativo LEZIONE 10 IL TEMPO Le ore; gli orari; i giorni LEZIONE 11 I MESI E LE STAGIONI Il tempo atmosferico; le feste italiane LEZIONE 12 IL TEMPO LIBERO Stare a casa; gli hobby LEZIONE 13 I DIVERTIMENTI Andare fuori; ristorante; spettacoli LEZIONE 14 L'ABBIGLIAMENTO I vestiti; i negozi; il passato prossimo; conoscere/sapere; riflessivi LEZIONE 15 LA SALUTE Il corpo; fare esercizio LEZIONE 16 MI RICORDO quando ero bambino; imperfetto LEZIONE 17 VIAGGIARE Il congresso; in aeroporto; l'albergo LEZIONE 18 VIAGGIARE Il traffico; le vacanze LEZIONE 19 IL COMPUTER Hardware; periferici; email; Internet LEZIONE 20 UN VIAGGIO NEL TEMPO L'impero romano; il Rinascimento; l'Ottocento; il condizionale; il congiuntivo; il comparativo

Cyber Italian - Italian Language Courses Online and in Italy

* Based on a method developed for the United Nations in New York. More info... * Over 10 years of activity and 20000 subscribers. * Used by individual students, schools and universities all over the world. A learning itinerary for everyone: Self-Study for independent students, Tutored Courses if you need a structured and guided study with grades and certifications, 1to1 Private Lessons for a custom developed course on a real time voice chat with a dedicated teacher, and Residential Program in Italy. More...

Web Italian Lessons, by Lucio Chiappetti

You too can learn Italian! Introduction (by Tyler Chambers) These Italian lessons were written by Lucio Chiappetti ( after noticing the Spanish lessons that I had made available on the Human-Languages Page. By using the Spanish lessons as a template, he was able to quickly write up Italian versions of the lessons. I give much thanks to Lucio for providing these lessons - if you enjoy these lessons, please send him mail letting him know. Index of available lessons * Lesson 1 * Lesson 2 * Lesson 3