June 2009
Create an Account - Jabber.org
Create an Account
To create a free IM account, visit register.jabber.org. After you register, you will have an account of the form “username@jabber.org”.
by 16 othersAbout Jabber.org
Jabber.org is the original IM service based on XMPP, the open standard for instant messaging, and one of the biggest nodes on the open Jabber network. Create an account by visiting register.jabber.org or one of the other public XMPP services, then download a free client, log in, and start chatting!
August 2007
Jabber User Quickstart
Jabber :: User :: Quickstart
Need to get up and running quickly? Here's how!
1. Download a free client.
2. Install the client and start it up.
3. If you have an existing Jabber account (e.g., at Google Talk via Gmail), you can simply log in to your account.
4. If you don't have an existing Jabber account, log in to one of the many free Jabber servers (see list) with your preferred username and your client will automatically create the account. *
5. Log in and start chatting with others on the Jabber network.
For more in-depth instructions, read the Jabber User Guide.
* NOTE: This does not work for iChat! You must use another client such as Adium, Psi, or Spark to create your account. After that you can log in with iChat.
(4 marks)