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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "linux rapidshare" & "bible suse"

13 September 2009 05:15

SUSE Linux10 Bible

USE Linux10 Bible Summary: Wiley; Pap/DVD edition | ISBN: 0471754889 | 912 pages | February 6, 2006 | PDF | 15 Mb * Includes new coverage of Novell Linux Desktop and Open Enterprise Server (Novell's traditional environment running on SUSE), with information on YaST management tools and the OpenExchange e-mail server * Introduces basic Linux methodologies, including partitions, filesystems, filesystem layout, and more * Covers the SUSE system, command line programs, implementing online services, and using SUSE business tools in the enterprise setting * Features a section devoted to end-user needs * Also covers virtualization, including dosemu, wine, Crossover Office, uml xen and Vmware, expanded coverage of SUSE with sendmail, CUPS, LDAP and more * Companion DVD includes the SUSE Linux distribution . Please select one mirror to download download download (Report broken link)